Saturday, September 18, 2010

Opera Mini Handler New Blog

Hai sobat, pada blog ini saya akan mencoba memberitahukan sebuah informasi. Karena kebutuhan akan browser seperti opera mini tidak pernah ada hentinya. Baik untuk opera mini dalam versi asli ataupun versi modifnya, yang memang ternyata lebih banyak dibandingkan versi aslinya. Maka dengan ini saya memberitahukan bahwa saya telah membuat sebuah blog yang isinya khusus membahas tentang opera mini.

Opera mini yang dibahas di sini mencakup banyak versi dan jenis. Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa opera mini sendiri seringkali mengalami modifikassi. Nah modifiaksi ini justru yang sering ditunggun oleh banyak user yang ada.

Kalian bisa mengecek download opera mini terbaru pada halaman khusus opera mini. mudah-mudahan kalian bisa menenukan apa yang kalian cari.

Oke sekian dulu dari saya, sampai berjumpa lagi pada cerita dan pembahasan berikutnya.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

MIg33 Come With Facebook Style

Mig33 few days ago to make changes in profile view. Profile mig33 just getting Facebook style. Why did I say anything like that? Yes because in the profile view there is now a well wall, like, dislike, profile, photos, composed in such a way that resembles the facebook account. This will be seen more clearly if you are online on the web mig33.

Actually lead to changes in facebook style is not the first time that happened. Before, mig33 have make a changes to display the status message and gift-like facebook. Now with the second change is increasingly seen mig33's just that replicate the look im application in his facebook. One thing is also quite interesting is that not all users can enjoy Mig33 this fasitas if they mig33 level less than 20. Well for those who have a level of less than 20 is forced them to be patient in order to make comments on the wall, or "Like" someone's profile.

With the option "Like" and aligned with the gift. Mig33 user competition to get a vote "like" as much as possible. The goal of course is nothing to improve their level mig33. Although there is actually no guarantee if a lot of "Me-Like" we will automatically raise our level mig33.

Hunting mig33 levels become more frequent because is said will be given special facilities to the users who mig33 high level. Admin Power is one of the many targeted by the user with the increase of this level. With a level above 30 is said users would be immune to kick users in the room. Moreover, there was official notification from the owner mig33 that started the new year later (2010) mig33 admin will remove all the existing and will conduct re-election.

Well of course it's good news for you who want to become admin mig33.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mig33 New Feature (Like Facebook)

Mini wall, comment, rate option on your mig33 profile - New limited release
Mini wall, comment, rate option on your mig33 profile
mig33 has just launched their latest feature on mig33 – new profiles !
Now your mig33 profile has been updated with a mini wall where you can post about your thoughts, your friends can post their thoughts about you, comment on other’s posts, and recommend/rate good posts.
These are currently in early, limited release only for users migLevel 20 or above, but mig33 team will be rolling it out to everyone soon (or just go to one of your friends who is migLevel 20 to check it out!)
Go to your profile to check out the updated profile. On this new page, you can express your thoughts and blog on your own mini wall, comment on other’s posts, and recommend/rate good posts.
Other cool add-ons include a column that shows you how many friends you have and virtual gifts you have received. To top it off, your friends can now rate your profile to show how great you really are!  This function makes it so much fun to interact with anyone on mig33.

Leave a post on another mig33 user’s Wall
Leave a post on another user’s Wall
Note: you need to have downloaded the latest version to get this awesome feature! Make sure you give your valuable feedback to mig33 team or mail them to
About mig33
mig33 is the world’s largest mobile-first community, providing communications and entertainment services for more than 25 million members and their mobile devices worldwide. With mig33, members in more than 200 countries engage in vibrant chat communities, instant messaging, email, photo sharing, virtual gifting, profile building and sharing, and more. The service is available worldwide, optimized for more than 2,000 handsets. In mid 2009, mig33 partnered with Indonesia’s largest mobile retailer, PT Trikomsel Oke, to begin offering mig33 payment vouchers in OKE’s more than 800 retail outlets. Founded in 2005, mig33 is backed by Silicon Valley venture firms Accel Partners, Redpoint Ventures and DCM.

Mig33 Emote Command

You can now send emotes in mig33 chat! An emote is a short text command that allows you to fully express yourself.
Here is a list of mig33 emotes:
/agree /cmon /gasp /lag /ruffle /squirt
/apologizes /comfort /gee /laugh /salute /stare
/argh /confuse /giggle /listen /scream /strut
/bark /congrat /glare /loser /seduce /tag
/bearhug /cringe /gn /love /shiver /tantrum
/beer /cry /greet /martian /shmoo /thank
/beg /doh /grin /miss /shrug /tpyo
/blink /drool /groan /mmm /shy /warcry
/blowk /drunk /happy /moo /sick /wave
/blush /duck /hfive /mumble /sigh /whistle
/boo /eek /hiccup /nod /slap /whop
/bored /eh /hmm /phew /smile /wink
/bow /embrace /hold /pinch /smirk /wohoo
/brb /faint /honor /poke /sneeze /worship
/burp /fart /howl /ponder /snore /worthy
/caff /firebreath /hug /power /snuggle /yawn
/cheer /flirt /hum /purr /sorry /yeah
/chicken /french /joy /relax /spit
/chuckle /frown /kiss /rose /spock
mig33 Games 2008 Emotes:
/challenge /win /gold /lose /medal /go
/luck /beibei /jingjing /huanhuan /yingying /nini
/welcome /winner /torch /proud /cheers /taunt
/champion /record /frenzy
mig33 Football Emotes :
/freekick /goal /handball /kick /offside /penalty
/red /yellow